Thursday, August 14, 2008

Middle of Nowhere
Last time I was here, I wrote a bunch of non-sense because I had better things to do. Homework.

Well guess what? It's crunch time at school. More stupid blogs.


Plenty happened since I last wrote. Too much to do too little time as usual! Can't remember much but there's a reason to it.

Are you familiar with the serial position effect? It's some psychology babble about memory when it comes to lists. We tend to remember the beginning and end more easily than the items in the middle. Try it! Read this once without stopping...


Now stop, don't look up, and try to repeat as many as you can to yourself. I'll give you a moment.

Well how'd you do? Cat, cloud... Muffin? I'm out. Strange and true. Does that reflect what matters most to us? Lists seem to be a good jump-off to everything else in life. New beginnings are important enough to be nerve-wracking. Happy endings make us feel everything else was worth it. What about that chunk in the middle? Is it doing its job by being forgotten altogether?

Well, you'll probably forget these words if that's true. And I guess since everything goes on, everything is forgotten.

One thing I can't forget, for now at least, is my onslaught of tests. I have Accounting paper due coming Wednesday . I'm supposed to learn 13 chapters in a week. Easy enough. Negative outlook warning: I havent had a pass in this module, so basically for this paper I need an 80% to pass. Why does it all come down to the end? This could make or break my hope for passing. Score one on importance for ends.

I also have a Economics to handle the following Monday. Not very close to done on that either, but at least I got the first type of market down. Sort of. I keep switching it with others. I find it hard to figure out where best to start, since my notes travels back and forth through time via flashbacks. We're only meant to know 12 chapters, which would end up being about 10 pages. Why that little? Well, the beginning of a study marathon is enough to determine it's worth. This way, we'll know if we're cut out, just by our first chapter. Score one for beginnings.

Also, I'm saving up pocket money for the US study trip thingy. I'm still barely getting started, but this is the hardest part. My wallet is utterly thin, and the first few pennies, is always vital to snowballing coins into bills. I rank it only behind the target of reaching $300 to make ends meet. Once again, beginning and end prevail.

Is this serial position effect more important than we think? Or am I in the middle of a waste of time? Probably the latter. Time to end this, and spark a new beginning. See ya.

StreetFlow-[Jaz] ate tomatoes on 10:43 PM


Name: Me, the red head
Age: dunno
From: the grocery store
Job: umm... I'm a veggie

ripe tomatoes

Lets have more noodles Making a come back How much wood would a woodchuck chuck? Not eaten by bears Ladies and gentlemen, i'd like to introduce ... There ya go Oh yeah. The wasabi is friggin hot HEY! Your bag looks mighty hot! Happy Birthday! My mistake

rotten tomatoes

September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009


My crew blog - StreetFlow
C.K. The Mucus Wiper
Jinyeow, the maple pro
Chicken (jian li), a.k.a losernoob
My favourite soccer star, Jeslin.
Joel, a.k.a. ... I dunnoe! The Man(?)!
DO NOT CLICK HERE!! Really. Dont. NOOOO!! Dont put your mouse on me!! Nooooooo! Dont press!!!!
Siimiin, who is actually Simin.
Venice, the only friend who has the same birthday as me!
Nick Cheang, with his really long .. URL
Catherine, the gal
Kathlyn, the sweetest class rep on earth
Dan, With the black and white CLOURS
Evelyn, the best senior in John Doe's little town
Jasmine a.k.a Jasumi. And she is REEeeeeeaaly gentle, this gal.
Cheryl, who lives in sembawang too!
YENCHU, and this time i get your name right
Ying Xian's blog, without a tagboard
Peak Deng, Gal's Pal
Gummy Angela!
Jonathan, trying his best to be dual language
Quack quack, Donald duck lies about thinking
MORE LINKS PLEASE! Type your link in cbox, thx!

farm songs

tomato chat
